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Certifying Behavioral Health Professionals Since 1988.


Roads to Recovery has two trainers (Sandy Kanehl, CPRS &
Bryon Meade, CPRS & i-FPRS) certified to provide the 72-hour state
DBHDS-required curriculum for CPRS certification in Virginia.
Call us for pricing and additional information: 434-455-0053


Roads to Recovery is committed to educating peer providers, addiction professionals, other behavioral health and health care professionals,
as well as businesses and our community on recovery-related topics.
A major focus of our efforts is reducing the harmful stigma that prevents people from getting help for substance use disorders.
Call us if you are interested to attend a training event, or if you
would like us to bring an event to your organization or staff group.


Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • A New Workforce: The Role of Peer Recovery Specialists in
    Systems of Care

  • Healing the Stigma of Addictions

  • Advocacy for People with Addictions

  • The Language of Addiction & Recovery: Helpful, Harmful, or Both

  • Focus on Recovery

  • Addiction and Recovery-Oriented Services

  • Treating Tobacco Addiction: The #1 Cause of Death

  • Family Engagement in Addiction Services

  • Addiction Treatment Issues in Rural and Isolated Areas

  • Addiction 101: Overview of Addictions

  • And other topics by request

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