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Roads to Recovery's Residential Services offer the structure of single-gender homes with a House Manager; 24-hours,
7-days a week supervision; and the resources of the
Roads to Recovery Center to provide comprehensive
recovery management services, including a team of
Certified Peer Recovery Specialists (CPRS). Intensive
support during early recovery and continuing support for
an extended period of time greatly increases the likelihood that participants will sustain their recovery and
achieve productive citizenship in our community.

Our homes may serve individuals before, during, and/or
upon exiting treatment or other programs, or in lieu of treatment for those who cannot or choose not to enter the formal treatment system. Our recovery management
model is effective and more cost efficient than multiple treatment admissions or incarceration. Roads to Recovery offers the positive option of a community-based alternative that can work for both front-end and re-entry programs
within the criminal justice system. Our unique combination
of resources allows Roads to Recovery to create an array
of non-clinical alternatives to match each individual's
stage of recovery and personal needs.

Roads to Recovery's Residences are accredited by the Virginia Association of Recovery Residences (VARR).
The length of stay for peers is open-ended to support
long-term recovery and emphasis is placed on the community, accountability, and service in a culture of peer support.
All residents sign a contract to which they are accountable
on a daily basis, with support and supervision from peer mentors in long-term recovery. House rules include no alcohol or other drug use in any form; drug tests are administered
on entry, for cause, and randomly as warranted.
Recovery management plans include mutual support meetings, getting a job, and community service.

R2R Residences

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Admission Guidelines

Roads to Recovery Peers will...​

  • be adults (emancipated minors and under 18yo considered on a case-by-case basis);

  • be medically stable (not in need of detox or other immediate medical attention);

  • be in recovery or seeking recovery and willing to participate in a structured program of recovery (not just limited to AA/NA, and not just sober living);

  • not have recent violent crimes (individual situations considered on a case-by-case basis);

  • be able to function/participate in a recovery management residential program (e.g., stable
    on medications);

  • be able to pay $135 per week for program fees and a $350 admission fee (or have good prospects for getting a job soon, willing to pursue employment with assistance if needed);

  • meet applicable income guidelines (Monroe House); and

  • be willing to commit to a minimum of a 6-month stay and have the goal of lifelong recovery.

All potential residents will be interviewed by a Team Member,
or Program Manager, and admission decisions will be made promptly.

For more information, please call our office at (434) 455-0053.

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