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2016 & 2017
Archived Events

Recover to Live, featuring Nic Sheff


Nic Sheff has graciously agreed on short notice to be our special guest for this year's event. He is the son of Roads to Recovery's 2017 speaker, David Sheff. Nic's heartbreaking and inspiring struggle with addiction is the story of Beautiful Boy,

a major motion picture starring Timothée Chalamet as Nic

and Steve Carrell as his father, David. The film,

already generating Oscar buzz in advance of its October 2018 release, is based on Nic's New York Times bestselling memoir,

Tweak: Growing Up on Methamphetamines and David's

bestseller Beautiful Boy.  Sharing an unglamorized, authentic

and heart-touching story of substance use and recovery

that is deeply rooted in mental illness, Nic has been recognized

as "a life-changing speaker."

For questions please contact Karina Hobbs

(434) 455-0053 or


Special notice to Recover to Live Event attendees:

We have just learned of the sudden loss

of Mr. Christopher Kennedy Lawford who passed away

unexpectedly on Tuesday evening.

We extend our deepest sympathy to his family and friends.


Recovery for Life! An Evening with Legendary NFL Linebacker Thomas “Hollywood” Henderson


Please Join our Presenting Sponsors Don & Carol Banker and

along with our Recovery Trailblazer Sponsors


in presenting…


Recovery for Life!
An Evening with
Legendary NFL Linebacker
Thomas “Hollywood” Henderson


Thomas Henderson says that “Hollywood” died on November 8, 1983, the date he began his recovery journey. Now, over 32 years later, his story inspires more than ever. The legendary linebacker was a first-round draft pick of the Dallas Cowboys who played in three Super Bowls his first four years, including taking his team to the Championship in Superbowl XII.
He later became the first NFL player to disclose his addiction, seek treatment and return to pro football. In his book, In Control: The Rebirth of an NFL Legend, Mr. Henderson says, “Slowly, people are giving recovery the patience, respect and credibility it deserves.”

He also says, “To anyone suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction, I say this: if Thomas Henderson can get sober and stay sober, anyone can. If you have made serious mistakes in your life, you can change the outcome over time.”  Please join us for an inspiring and entertaining celebration of Recovery for Life!

Thursday, September 22, 2016 from 6:00 until 9:00 p.m.
Holiday Inn Lynchburg Downtown
601 Main Street, Lynchburg, VA 24504

Tickets $50 each, Tables of 10 for $500
Click here to get tickets or make your check to Roads to Recovery and send to:
2600 Memorial Ave., Suite 107, Lynchburg, VA 24501
Call us with any questions: 434.455.0053

Roads to Recovery, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Please consider donating an extra ticket so a person in early recovery may attend this event.

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